Saturday, February 2, 2008

All about Crystal Salt ....

First of all, Crystal Salt isn't really that different than the normal salt ... coz all natural salt are crystal form.

The only thing is the kitchen salt you eat every day, is 'purified' salt. Meaning chemical like bleach has been used to 'clean' them in order to provide you the super fine 'white' look. Even though approve by authority and those residue chemical would not kill you, but they absolutely do not do you any good neither.

Therefore consuming natural salt in natural form is still an essential pratice that may help a lot of people.

For example, high blood pressure people are not suppose to eat any salt, purified salt that is ! High blood pressure can definitely consume natural salt like rock salt like normal.

Another important note is that crystal salt has this 1 to 6 ionic bond. Like the picture at the right. Basically this formation would result all the other benefits that people are talking about how crystal salt can cure people, ionize air, provide clean air and cure astma etc. More will be discussed on those ...

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